Thursday, May 27, 2010

23 Weeks :)

I went to the doctor yesturday to see Ryder in 4D but he didnt want to show us his face lol of course my luck lol. Daddy didnt get to go :( he started a new job this week so he couldnt make it but we got it on tape for him. Ryder was moving around like crazy during the ultrasound but it seemed like everytime she hit the buttom to go into 4D he covered his face, so i guess he didnt want no one to see him until daddy got to lol. He gave us a thumbs up and showed us his little fingers lol hes so cute :) I cant wait for him to get here, Im really scared at the same time but excited because its our baby boy! :) One of these days I will post pictures of little Ryder, well the best we got of him lol.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

22 Weeks :)

Ryder is moving around more and more every week lol he really likes the mornings and evenings and when greg talks to him and rubs my belly he moves around! :) I cant wait for greg to be able to feel him move and see him move around in there. I get to go to the doctor next week and him our baby in 4D :) Im very excited to see our baby again, i love ultrasounds! :) I need to get pics up so the world can see our lil buddle of joy! :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

21 Weeks

Oh how im counting down the weeks until we get to meet this beautiful baby boy of ours! :) I had my very first mothers day this year! Well like gregs nana said 1/2 mothers day lol it was great! :) I got flowers from gregory and my very first card from one of my best friends terra and also one from my wonderful MOM! :) my step mom got Ryder his crib, dresser, and changing table! Im ready to get it up and start decorating his room! :) We have decided to go his room in Construction! Which I think will be sooooo cute because greg is in construction and he will be like daddy! :) Greg is getting so excited and ready to feel his baby moving around, but he has to wait a few more weeks lol. Ryder is a mover shew, he was moving like crazy this morning, hes usually a night owl when he moves lol. We go to the doctor May 26th for the 4-D ultrasound! We cant wait!!! I will def have pics up!!! :) We love our Ryder Dean Owens :)

20 Weeks :)

Every monday Ryder is getting closer and closer to getting here! :) When I went to the doctor a few days ago he was measuring at 23 weeks lol and hes weighing a bit big for now, but as long as hes a healthy and happy baby than Im fine with it lol but a 10 pound baby makes me a little bit nervous because ill have to have a C-section! shew! :) he is kicking alot actually he really likes to kick around 8:30 or 9 at night but hes not kicking hard enough for daddy to feel just yet but hopfully in a few weeks daddy will be bale to feel Ryder moving like a wild goose! lol We love our RYder very much! :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

19 Weeks

Im finally almost half way to meeting our little Ryder! :) He has me craving Chiggers load baked potato and I know those can not be good for you at all, but they hit the spot everytime lol im sure my doctors would want to kill me if they knew lol! Im not gaining much weight around 3 pounds a month for now anyways lol. Ive been feeling better and better and im not as tired as i was before but I wouldnt mind sleeping all the time, because once Ryder gets here so much for sleep lol. Last night I randomly got sick shortly after dinner and Im not sure if Ryder just didnt like the food daddy fixed or what happened but I didnt feel bad before or after lol idk. And Ryder likes to be up in my ribs allll the time lol i cant breathe when he does that and it drives me nuts lol. and he moves all the time when daddy talks to him or daddy tickles mommy. well thats all for now! :)

18 Weeks!

Im a little behind on my post, im actually 19 weeks now but I thought I would keep posting for each week. We are telling everyone the babys name now his name will be Ryder Dean Owens! :) He is a mover when he wants to be, if he doesnt want to move you arent going to get him to move, well happly anways lol... Im so glad excited for our little boy to get here! :) I feel pregnant more and more everyday but im starting to look pregnant to not just fat lol! Well this is all for now! :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

17 Weeks!

ITS A BOY!!!!!! We got to find out what our little baby owens was today! We are blessed with a baby boy!!! :) we couldnt be anymore happy! We love this baby soooo much! The baby weighs 7 oz right now lol the doctor said it was a little higher than normal lol but oh well hes a healthy beautiful baby! He sure was proud to show us what he was! lol we have his name picked out but gregs making me keep it a secert, and its sooo hard, so when Im if im ever aloud to say its name I will be all over this blog! lol and i was happy to see I hadnt gained any weight but at least the baby is, hes heart and everything is great and his heartbeat was 155, and the doctor kept measuring the baby and making us wait to find out and all we want was to see what baby owens was and he was making us wait lol! I always worry going into the doctor that they are going to say something bad, but little baby owens always gives us good news! We love our little man sooo much! We are ready for him to be here! and mommy is ready to do some major shopping!! Well this is it until either next week or gregory lets me say the name lol!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

16 Weeks!

Well Baby Owens is 16 weeks old now! and is still doing great! We are loving this baby so much... we were going to try and find out what it is tomorow but my doctor had to cancel due to surgrey :( boo! But this time next wednesday we will be at the doctor waiting to see if this baby is ready to tell the world what it is lol. We cant wait, we are ready to give it a name!! We have some ideas for names but we are keeping it a secert for now, thats daddys request. lol. I have been feeling great now! April might be my month lol I just got over a 24 hr bug! :( ugh and im finally feeling normal again lol so thats great! Daddy is getting mommys cravings its so funny when he craves something, I thought I was bad..... Well thats all for now when we hear something about the baby I will post! :) hopefully I will be able to tell what we are having!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

15 Weeks

Today I went to the doctor for my check up with Gwen and I have the 24 hr. virus! ugh! this month has not been in my favor! LOL! The good news is Baby Owens is doing great, its growing great and its heartbeat was still wodnerful (160). We love this baby more and more everyday, we cant imagine how much love we are going to have for this baby once it gets here. On April 8th we are going to see Dr. Song and hopefully we can find out what little Baby Owens wants to be!! :) Other than mommy being sick Baby Owens is doing great. I have been able to feel the baby move some and it is the best feeling in the world! and the baby always does it for daddy! so that makes it so much more special. I will keep you posted on how Baby Owens is at 16 Weeks!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

14 weeks

At 14 weeks, our little baby Owens is growing and growing. So far every things been good with baby, but with Momma things are different LOL, I went to the doctor today because I haven't been feeling too well, good news they said it was just a "common cold" bad news being pregnant there's NOTHING I can do for it :( On another note, 2 weeks from today Greg & I are going to the doctor to possibly get to see if we can find out what the sex of our little baby angel is, I'll only be 16 weeks but I'm more than excited and can't stand the waiting so hopefully Baby Owens will want to reveal what he or she is. If I had to guess what I was having I'd say a little baby boy, only because Ive been having dreams of a little boy, If I had to choose I'd choose a little princess only because girl clothes are way cuter and plus Daddy wants a "Little Daddy's Girl" and Momma wants a "Little Princess" but in all reality we don't prefer one over the other, just as long as Baby Owens is healthy we'll be overly excited with Joy either way! I'll keep you posted on whether or not Baby Owens is a Girl or Boy as soon as I know something :)

Baby Owens